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Council campaign financial reports

You are reading it here first, thanks to an intrepid volunteer researcher who gathered the information from the City Clerk's office today. Here is a summary of contributions given to the City Council candidates. The reports were due today. In the summary you will see the list of people who have contributed more than $200 dollars in the course of the campaign, followed by cumulative contributions and expenditures. The numbers below cover the entire campaign, including the pre-primary ethics filing and the pre-general filing. Some candidates have had no large contributions at all. For the individual contributions, I list the amounts followed by the names of contributors who have given those amounts. Details are below; analysis will be in a later entry.

UPDATE: Lists of contributors reformatted for ease of reading.

District 2:

Chris Medlock, Republican -- Total contributions: $8,096.88. Total expenditures: $786.75.

$5,000: S. Mike Oxley;
$1,000: Karen Miles;
$500: Peggy Enlow;
$300: Michael Best;
$250: Larry Mocha;
$240: Jason Bennett.

Darla Hall, Democrat -- Total contributions: $6,902.23. Total expenditures: $889.06. (NOTE: On her January 22 report, Hall reported a carryover of $3,367.23 from her 2003 special election campaign, which is not included in the above numbers.)

$500: Walt Helmerich III, William Manley, Roy and Sherry Heim;
$250, Ed Leinbach.

District 3:

Roscoe H. Turner, Democrat -- Total contributions: $13,122. Total expenditures: $18,073.73. (Expenditures include $1,095 in fees relating to his recount and protest, and repayment of his campaign loan. Contributions include $4,000 loan from candidate.)

$1,000: Larry Brown;
$500: Kermit Hoffmeier, Amos Adetula, Drive Political Fund, Jorge Prats;
$400: Frank Henke;
$250: Rita Doyle, Kelly Dunn, George Krumme, Mark Morisett.

David Patrick, Democrat -- Total contributions: $14,768.34. Total expenditures: $10,582.37. (NOTE: Contributions figure includes carryover of $1,368.34 from previous campaign.)

$2,500: Jay Helm, Anthony Davis;
$1,000: Realtor PAC, Eric Davis, John Conine;
$750: Homebuilders Association;
$700: W. E. Pryer;
$500: Joseph Westervelt, Robert Poe;
$300, Frank Murphy;
$250: Ruth Nelson.

District 4:

Eric Gomez, Republican -- Total contributions: $5,555.00. Total expenditures: $3,120.50. (Contributions include $3,900 loan from candidate. No contributions exceeded $200.)

Larry Self, Republican -- Total contributions: $100.00. Total expenditures: $422.96. (No contributions exceeded $200.)

Tom Baker, Democrat -- Total contributions: $7830.00. Total expenditures: $157.50.

$1,000: Joseph L. Parker;
$500: Oklahoma Manufactured Housing PAC, Joseph M. Westervelt, Eric L. Davis, John F. Conine, Blue Dome Properties L.L.C., Dr. James or Alice Rodgers;
$300: Stephen and Sally Radley (Claremore);
$250: Fraternal Order of Police, William and Tracy Radley Family Trust (Claremore), William and Linda Price.

(NOTE on Baker's totals: The report lists cumulative contributions of 28,038.20 and cumulative expenditures of $20,167.39, but it shows $20,208.20 in contributions and $20,159.89 in expenditures from previous report. Now that I have seen Baker's earlier reports, it appears that all prior contributions and all but $157.50 in prior expenditures was from the 2002 campaign but was incorrectly noted on the wrong line on the form. I have adjusted his totals for the 2004 campaign accordingly.)

District 5:

Sam Roop, Republican -- $678.23: loan from candidate. Total contributions: $917.64. Total expenditures: $678.23. (No contributions over $200.)

Joe Conner, Republican -- no activity.

Andrew Phillips, Democrat -- Total contributions: $4,980.47. Total expenditures: $895.27. (No contributions over $200.)

District 6:

James Mautino, Republican -- Total contributions: $2,755. Total expenditures: $1,848.94. (Contributions include $800 loan from candidate.)

$500: Frank Henke;
$350: Clayton Walker;
$225: Bob Johnson.

Art Justis, Democrat -- Total contributions: $7,124.00. Total expenditures: $10,017.74. (Note: In his January 20 report, Justis reported a carryover of $10,410.35 from his previous campaign, not included in the above numbers.)

$1,500: Anthony Davis;
$500: John Conine, Eric Davis, Joseph Westervelt, Jerald Summers, Serenity Homes, Oklahoma Manufactured Homes PAC, Joseph Parker, Jr.;
$250: Steve Radley, Daniel Buford.

District 7:

John M. Eagleton, Republican -- Total contributions: $19,544.08. Total expenditures: $19,544.08. (Contributions include $9,094.08 loan from candidate.)

$5,000: Jim Eagleton;
$500: Mark and Dena Price;
$250: Kevin Hine, Randy and Martha Hendricks.

Randall L. Sullivan, Republican -- Total contributions: $13,375.00. Total expenditures: $13,646.42.

$2,500: Anthony Davis, Jay Helm;
$1,000: Eric L. Davis, John Conine;
$750: Realtors PAC of Oklahoma, Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa;
$300: Frank Murphy III;
$300: Joseph M. Westervelt, Cox PAC;
$250: Rob Gilbert, John Benjamin, Dr. James Rodgers, Sherman E. Smith Trustee, John G. or Susan Arnold.

District 8:

Bill Christiansen, Republican -- Total contributions: $8,330.00. Total expenditures: $8,000.00. (NOTE: In addition to the above amounts, Christiansen reported a carryover of $923.15 from his previous campaign.)

$1,000: Frank Abagnale;
$750: Realtors PAC of Oklahoma;
$500: Homebuilders Association of Greater Tulsa, Michael T. Peyton;
$300: Joseph Westervelt, Robert F. Biolchini;
$250: John and Laura Benjamin, Thomas Wenrick, Larry Mocha, Bradley K. Beasley, Timothy and Margaret Fox.

Todd Huston, Republican -- Total contributions: $199.00. Total expenditures: $50.00. (NOTE: This is from Huston's initial report, filed January 29th, for the period ending January 19th. He has yet to file a report covering the contributions and expenditures after that date.)

If you don't see a report for a candidate, it's because they didn't file a report on time for the pre-primary filing or the pre-general filing. It appears that the City Clerk didn't pull late filings from the previous period for my volunteer researcher. UPDATE (2004/03/02): I have added the late primary reports for Todd Huston and Tom Baker, and the late general election report for Randy Sullivan.

I'll put my analysis in a separate entry.

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