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Media update

Big media day for the Bateses. I've been profiled by Gawker. The Daily Oklahoman has a picture of Mikki on the front page, packing boxes at a food bank as part of Tuesday's "Compassion across America" event. If the photo is online, you'll find it at I'm told that I'm in a picture of the Oklahoma delegation in the Tulsa Whirled. And Scott Sala of Slant Point has posted an interview with me about last week's committee meetings.

The laptop has been in and out of a coma all day, so I have been unable to update, to fix a couple of glaring errors in earlier entries (apologies to Jay Nordlinger for linking his name to Derb's archive), and to link to the excellent coverage by the other convention bloggers. Go over to for all their latest.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Media update:

» Link Dump 9/1/04 from Joel Blain
Jeremy digitizes his biology homework AuthentiGeek molds his site around the classic Super Mario 3... CSS style. Local software engineer and blogger Michael Bates is profiled by Nick Denton's GAWKER InsectBlog posts some amazing insect... [Read More]

» Thanks, Michael Bates from The Rough Woodsman
Michael Bates, of, who spent his week as a delegate at the Republican National Convention, mentioned The Rough Woodsman in an interview he gave to GAWKER. Here's an excerpt of the question/response: 4. Panhandle, manhandle. The Oklahomos ... [Read More]

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 1, 2004 8:09 PM.

The previous post in this blog was W is officially nominated.

The next post in this blog is Heckler hustled out.

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