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Never met a tax they didn't like

We've long suspected it, and Ken Neal admitted it in his Sunday Whirled column:

It is a common accusation that the World “never saw a tax it doesn’t like.” There is a lot of truth in that statement.

The point of the editorial is to push for the proposed fuel tax increase for roads and bridges. No one doubts that some of our roads and bridges are in dire shape, but many of us doubt whether giving an ever-larger share of the wealth and income of Oklahomans to state government is going to fix that problem.

Ken Neal regularly advocates for a bigger share of the pie for government. I wonder what percentage of the state economy he would consider to be the limit beyond which government should not be allowed to grow. At what point would he say that the state has as much as it should have and needs to learn to live within its means.

Rather than increasing the state's share of the pie, we need to grow the pie.


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» The Tulsa World, Batesline, and Oklahomans for Safe Bridges and Roads with a twist of OCPA. from Tulsa Topics
Michael Bates has the following posted on - January 10, 2005 Never met a tax they didn't like We've long suspected it, and Ken Neal admitted it in his Sunday Whirled column: It is a common accusation that the World “ne... [Read More]

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