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Whirled threat update

More nastygram reports:

The Tulsa World sent the same threat of legal action to the hosting provider for, the website for Tulsans for Election Integrity (TfEI) the opposition to the recall of reform Councilors Jim Mautino and Chris Medlock. TfEI was told they had 24 hours to remove links and quotes or their service would be cut off. They'll be looking for a new provider, one less susceptible to the World's pressure. Chris Medlock writes about it here.

As far as anyone is aware, the World has not sent a similar letter to the Coalition for Responsible Government (CfRG), the campaign to get rid of Medlock and fellow Councilor Jim Mautino, which has, on this web page alone, the full text of 69 articles from the Tulsa World archives.

TulsaNow, the civic organization, has also received the letter, concerning its popular and lively discussion forums. You can read the TulsaNow forum discussion here.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Whirled threat update:

» Ever Feel Like the World is Against You? from Pennywit.Com

Michael Bates updates the feud between himself and the Tulsa World. Apparently, the World has threatened litigation against several c

[Read More]

» Tortious Interference from The Everlasting Phelps
If you aren't familiar with the BatesLine / Tulsa World dispute, check out that link. The nuts and bolts of it is that The Tulsa World newspaper has claimed that a blogger (BatesLine) violated their copyright by excerpting from editorials... [Read More]

» Tulsa World v. BatesLine from
As I mentioned here the Tulsa World is being a bully about their content. Michael Bates also reports that the... [Read More]

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