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Recall meeting stopped

Today's special meeting of the Tulsa City Council ended shortly after it began. I showed up about 2:20 to find the committee room packed. By my count there were over a hundred present -- two deep along the east wall, three deep along the north wall, and all along the other two walls. There were more out in the elevator landing. Many were holding "NO RECALL" bumper stickers and handmade signs. (I did not notice anyone protesting in support of recalling Councilors Mautino and Medlock.) While we were waiting for the councilors to come in, the crowd started some chants: "No recall!" "Verify the signatures!" It was a tremendous show of support.

Non-councilor Randy Sullivan came in first. When Chris Medlock arrived, the room erupted in applause and cheers. Someone asked Chris, "Do you still live in your district?" He responded, "Last time I checked." Someone else called out, "Doesn't everyone live in their own district?"

Then three more councilors came in -- Susan Neal, Bill Christiansen, Tom Baker. Councilors Mautino, Henderson, and Turner were never present. At 2:30, Sullivan directed the secretary to call the roll, and the meeting began with five councilors present. Sullivan read all four agenda items together. Medlock then recused himself because of the nature of the agenda items. He received another roar of applause as he left the room.

Sullivan asked Council attorney Drew Reis if the lack of a quorum required business to cease. Upon the answer that it did, Sullivan declared the meeting adjourned, and there was another loud cheer.

There is still a possibility that Sullivan could call another special council meeting before the 5 p.m. Thursday deadline to call for the election to occur on May 10, so check the Council homepage now and then to be sure they don't try to pull another fast one. Special meetings are listed on the right side of the page, and you'll have to scroll down to see the links. They aren't very prominently displayed, and that's probably on purpose. (By the way, there's already a special "meeting" on March 10 at 9, which is actually a Council bus tour of Districts 1 and 3. Recall is not on the agenda, and they'd have to give notice in order to add it.)

Even if they do try to call another special meeting before Thursday at 5, I suspect the result will be the same. That means no election before June, and that means the City Clerk has plenty of time to do his job and verify the petition signatures against the signatures on file with the election board.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Recall meeting stopped:

Despite the extremely short notice given for the 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. meetings of the City Council today, there was great attendance by those opposing the recall of Councilors Jim Mautino and Chris Medlock. (See Michael Bates articles on... [Read More]

» NO QUORUM, NO MEETING from TulsaTopics
As promised earlier, here is an update on the Special Meeting of the City Council held at 2:20pm. In my earlier post I mentioned that the 10:00am meeting was a "sold-out" and "standing room only" event. I was greatly mistaken... [Read More]

Comments (5)

Concerned Citizens:

Indeed, Michael, it was a "TREMENDOUS show of support"! What a great thing to see happen and be a part of......the citizens standing up together for what is right! Made our hearts and souls feel good!!!


I drive into work from Bartlesville everyday listening to KFAQ and Mr. Bates when he appears. I also, thank the good Lord, I drive home every evening out of Tulsa. I would like to commend the citizens of Tulsa for standing up and putting on notice the City Council and all of the interested parties involved that what is going on with the recall is a travesty. The Tulsa city charter is obviously flawed and benefits the few who think they hold power, found out today that indeed they do not. I so hope that Mr. Mayor now directs his city clerk staff to properly evaluate the petition signatures and if valid allow for an election, but if not- then this circus side show should cease. Although Bartlesville certainly has its own share of city leaders who think they are all that, at least there are only 4 good restaurants in town in which to find them on a Saturday evening. Good Luck Tulsa-


March 9, 2005
February 15, 2005
Recall petitions filed

"According to the City Charter, the City Clerk now has 20 days to certify that the petitions are sufficient, after which CfRG would have an additional 10 days to gather additional signatures should they fall short of the number needed. The City Clerk then has five more days to report to the Council, and at that point if there are sufficient signatures, the Council must call an election at the earliest date permitted by state law, which means no sooner than 60 days, and then only on certain Tuesdays each month -- it looks like the recall election would be in


By my delicate math, and per the above, the recall attempt has failed.

Twenty days from February 15, 2005 would be (13 days in Feb, 7 in March) March 7, 2005 (day before yesterday).

The City Clerk has failed to [properly] certify the signatures on the petition. (If a slip is good enough for the Charter Ammendment, it would seem to work here.) The additional 10 days cannot now be invoked.

At best, the process needs to begin anew.


That makes the Clerk not-for-two. Wonder how well he's doing at the airport?

Concerned Citizens:

Maybe the City Clerk has been asked to carry more than his share of responsibilities around City Hall. How far can we stretch him and expect him to do quality work? Not trying to be overly sympathetic, but, trying to be realistic and honest.

WHAT IS the hold up, with the airport investigation? Is there going to be a Grand Jury called for that situation? When can we expect the 2nd part of the report, that was due in February? This is on the agenda for Thursday night's council meeting.......MAYBE, some of these answers will be provided then.

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