Tomorrow morning I'll be back on 1170 KFAQ again with Gwen Freeman.
Between 6 and 7, State Senator Scott Pruitt will continue with KFAQ University -- the sixth in his series of lectures on American history and civics. If you want to catch up, the KFAQ website has MP3 audio and class notes for the first five lectures.
Later, we'll be talking about the pro-life legislation that passed the State House of Representatives last week, and Terri's Law, the Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act, now working its way through the U. S. Congress.
Be sure to tune in from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., or listen anytime online as the show repeats throughout the weekend.
Here are a couple of photos from this morning, during a break. Gwen and I:
Blogging in a spare moment:
(Thanks to Chip for taking the photos.)