I may not get the international linkage and fan mail that some bloggers do, but there are perks to being a blogger with a focus on local news. Most bloggers have to be satisfied with kind words via email or in the comments, but I am privileged to get real hugs, pats on the back, hearty handshakes, and face-to-face words of thanks and encouragement. For all that, I want to express my appreciation to you, dear readers. It makes it all worthwhile to know that what I do here matters to you.
Comments (2)
Great post. I get the same satisfaction from people around NYC.
Posted by Scott S | March 21, 2005 1:32 PM
Posted on March 21, 2005 13:32
Scott, you do great work covering local NYC politics, and I'm glad to hear that you're appreciated for it.
Posted by MichaelBates
March 22, 2005 11:32 AM
Posted on March 22, 2005 11:32