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Recall on Maundy Thursday Council agenda

It's back. Non-Councilor Randy Sullivan has put the recall of Councilors Jim Mautino and Chris Medlock on this Thursday's agenda. Unlike last week, all recall elements will be together at the very end of the agenda, after all other business, and there's a lot of it, because of Sullivan's hasty decision to stop last week's meeting, rather than calling a recess long enough to reassemble a quorum.

There really shouldn't be a meeting Thursday at all. It is Maundy Thursday, a night when many churches (even non-liturgical congregations) hold special communion services to commemorate Christ's Last Supper. (Maundy is from the Latin mandatus, a reference to John 13:34: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.")

This week is also spring break for many area schools, and between that and the holiday it will be a challenge to assemble the kind of crowd we had last Thursday night.

If the election resolutions are approved, the recall election would be held on June 14.

Also on the agenda is a proposed schedule for evaluating proposed amendments to the City Charter. This is not specifically about the amendment regarding zoning protest petitions that was taken off the April ballot, although that is one of the proposals that could be discussed. The Charter requires periodic charter review, and Title 4, Section 308 of Tulsa Revised Ordinances requires the City Attorney to submit a schedule by March 15 of odd-numbered years for considering amendments which would be placed on the general election ballot the following March. The Council can accept, amend, or reject the proposed schedule, but they must act by April 15.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Recall on Maundy Thursday Council agenda:

» It's Back - Recall On Thursday's City Council Meeting Agenda from TulsaTopics
[UPDATE: Batesline on the Maundy Thursday - City Council conflict] Just like a bad penny, the Recall issue keeps turning up. This time the Recall issue shows up under the item 8b - 8e on the agenda labeled "Council Items."... [Read More]

Comments (2)


We were there last week, and we will be there this week! Bill and the boys should know, we will keep coming back as long as it takes!

Concerned Citizens:

Maybe this time, the Mayor will serve snacks on the plaza, where he stood last week!! We challange you, Mr. Mayor, come into the meeting room and verbally repeat your statement against the recall!! Then, stay to hear the discussion and witness the vote.

We citizens are only getting STRONGER and more UNITED......and we will SHOW UP again, as promised!! Let's get it on.....and let Councilors Mautino and Medlock have their "day in court", with their case defended by ALL OF US!!
Our presence is a message in itself and whether we all get to speak or not......we will stand with those who do get the time!! We do know that the council can request additional time be alloted to those speaking.

Also, for those who are committed to special church programs, PLEASE, pray for this council meeting, as you gather at your church. The Lord reminds us, if we "humble ourselves and pray, HE WILL HEAL our land".

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