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Jim Mautino town hall meeting next Wednesday

Tulsa District 6 City Councilor Jim Mautino is holding a town hall meeting next Wednesday, June 29, at 7 p.m. at Martin East Regional Library, near 26th and Garnett. Jim will be talking about district matters as well as the recall election on July 12 -- he's one of the two targets. If you support Jim, show up to show your support. If you're wondering what to believe, show up, ask questions of him, and judge for yourself. You'll find a man who is passionate about encouraging quality growth and development in his district, and someone who knows his district inside and out. He's a good man, and we're blessed to have him on the City Council.

Be sure to keep Jim and his family and Chris Medlock and his family in your prayers as the well-financed barrage of attack ads hits over the next three weeks.


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District 6 City Councilor Jim Mautino, a wonderful advocate for the rights of the citizens of Tulsa and a primary target of the Tulsa Whirled's propaganda machine that dominates our City's government, will hold a Town Hall Meeting at Martin... [Read More]

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