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Bartlett testing the waters?

Got a call tonight from the Tarrance Group, a national polling firm headed by native Oklahoman Ed Goeas. It was a long survey asking about Tulsa politics. Here, roughly, are the questions that were asked:

  • City going in the right direction or the wrong direction? Strongly or somewhat?
  • Favorable or unfavorable opinion of Dewey Bartlett, Jr.? Strongly or somewhat?
  • Favorable or unfavorable opinion of Bill LaFortune? Strongly or somewhat?
  • Approve or disapprove of the way Bill LaFortune is handling his job as Mayor?
  • Does LaFortune deserve to be reelected, or is it time to give someone else a chance?
  • If the 2006 Republican primary election were today, would you vote for Dewey Bartlett, Jr., or Bill LaFortune? Definitely or probably?
  • What's your age?
  • Do you consider yourself very liberal, liberal, conservative, very conservative?
  • Pro-life, pro-choice? Strongly or somewhat?
  • Employed outside the home, homemaker, or retired?
  • For verification purposes, what is your name?
  • Is this phone number listed?

It would appear that Republican former City Councilor Dewey Bartlett, Jr., who fell short in his race for State Senate last fall and made an unsuccessful run for Mayor in the 1992 special election (others in the race, including former Mayor Dick Crawford, split the GOP vote), is looking at a primary challenge to Mayor LaFortune. Had it been LaFortune testing his own re-electability, the questionnaire would have included names of other potential rivals.

Comments (4)

Hey Michael,
I'm curious.
Did the polling person tell you they were polling for Bartlett?
And how do we know it wasn't LaFortune checking for his own re-electability?

and completely off subject, does Batesline have an RSS for comments?

Hope you had a pleasant vacation. I've missed your articles.

They didn't say they were polling for Bartlett, but at the very least, the poll was commissioned by someone very interested in the viability of a Bartlett candidacy. If this had been commissioned by LaFortune, I would have expected being asked about other potential challengers as well as Bartlett.

Thanks for missing me, and no, Movable Type doesn't provide an RSS feed for comments, so I don't have one.

I got a call as well.

I'm sure Bartlett's exploring possibilities, and I'm sure others will as well. Everyone knows that LaFortune is vulnerable.

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