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I took down the entry called "Overblown Coverage," which linked to David Szondy's satire of news network hurricane coverage. Although the target of the satire is the news media, not the victims of the hurricane, it seemed insensitive to leave it up.

MeeCiteeWurkor has an entry about how you can help the hurricane victims.

Comments (2)


Red Cross is terrific and don't forget the
SALVATION ARMY where your donations help this organization help others in crisis situations like this. Remember 9/11? Salvation Army was there as well as the wonderful Red Cross. The loss of lives, material things, possible loss of job and/or income -- all these things cause much sadness and trauma. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army are there to help in need. Please give to these worthy organizations. My brother and his family was in Hurricane Andrew. Everyone else in his neighborhood died, yet his family lived.


Here is a video link of the New Orleans mayor's summary of the devastation:

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