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Wie sagt man "Take it away, Leon" auf Deutsch?

Did you know "Steel Guitar Rag" has lyrics? And in German, no less.

(When I get around to renovating this blog, I'm adding a linkblog sidebar for just this sort of find.)

UPDATE: This is Leon, if you didn't know. And if you didn't know, I hope you don't claim to be an Okie!

Comments (2)

Vor 10 Jahren, habe ich in Deutschland gewohnt. Ich fand, dass die Deutschen amerikanische Musik liebte. Meine Deutsche "Mutter" hat immer "oldies" viel geliebt. Besonders Country musik.

Auf jeden Fall, den Satz "Take it away" kann mann so uebersetzen:
"Nimm's weg Leon!"
oder warscheinlich so:
"Spiel's mal!"
Es ist ziemlich schwer solche Saetzen zu uebersetzen, besonders wenn sie "slang" sind.
Ich habe gar nicht gewusst, dass Du Deutsch sprechen kannst! Wo hast Du Deutsch gelernt? Schule?

I learned enough tourist German to understand directions, read maps, and avoid embarassing myself too much in German-speaking lands. (My wife and I took a trip, B. C., to Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.)

This is about the extent of my German: "Gehen Sie gerade aus, die erste Strasse links, dann die zweite recht." This is the answer, in the German tapes we had, to "Wo ist der Bahnhof?" If der Bahnhof is anywhere other than straight ahead, the first street on the left, then the second right, I'm in trouble.

Here's another one: " Doktor Karl Renner Ring: Umsteigen zum Linie funf, sechs, zwei und zwanzig, vierzig." That's a Vienna strassenbahn (streetcar) stop announcement, listing the other lines you can transfer to.

For you non-germanophones, the phrase in the title is the second most important phrase to learn in any foreign language: "How do you say... in [name of language]?"

I took a few years of French in middle school, but never studied to master a living foreign language; I concentrated on Latin and Attic Greeek instead. I've picked up words and phrases here and there, and I seem to be good at accents, which I've had to learn for singing classical music.

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