I'm down at Shades of Brown, working on my Urban Tulsa Weekly column, and from the next table I'm hearing a lot about nuns assimilating, but by the context they're not talking about the acculturation of immigrant Catholic religious women. It's a couple of ORU grad students trying to get their brains around Hebrew orthography.
Shades has a full house tonight, and it's gratifying to see a lot of the patrons perusing the latest issue of UTW as they sip their coffee.
In that new UTW issue, you'll find my latest column, on infill development in Brookside, and some encouraging steps toward accommodating new development without sacrificing the neighborhood's character. G. W. Schulz has the cover story -- it's about the challenges faced by EMSA, Tulsa's ambulance service. As a former Austin resident, G. W.'s also a part of a symposium on the OU-Texas rivalry. The discussion goes beyond football to the differences in attitude between north and south of the Red River. Way down Texas way, they don't mind rowdy politicians:
When Tulsa City Councilors Chris Medlock and Jim Mautino began raising hell at City Hall, the city recoiled with shame and horror as if someone had farted at a funeral. We're generally timid and quiet; we don't like anyone making too much noise.But Mautino and Medlock's antics hardly would have made the pages of the Austin American-Statesman. The only time Texans blink is when someone isn't screaming and yelling at the capitol building.
Pick up a copy and read the whole thing.
Comments (4)
I picked up a copy of UT last week after seeing mention of it on your blog. I mostly remember it being full of "colorful" ads, but it seems like there is actually some substance there now. Have you heard Casa Bonita is closing on Friday?
Posted by Joel | September 29, 2005 12:07 AM
Posted on September 29, 2005 00:07
Yes. My wife told me she heard about it on the news. Something about a lease problem. Very sad. Casa Bonita has been around for a quarter-century.
Posted by MichaelBates
September 29, 2005 1:48 AM
Posted on September 29, 2005 01:48
Michael, doesn't QT sell the UT?
I need to go get mee one..
I will miss the Casa! We used to eat there all the time when I was a little kid. bummer.
Posted by MeeCiteeWurkor | September 30, 2005 5:09 AM
Posted on September 30, 2005 05:09
U.T. is FREE (can be found at places where people eat) I also have seen a big difference in who reads the U.T. paper now. There's good stuff to read in it now. And the south Tulsa folks that live in that proposed toll bridge district project with many owning nice cars and good salaries are wishing they could cut the paper in half -- read the good stuff with Michael's editorial/opinion page and get some new businesses to advertise in it. At least in South Tulsa where I have seen a big jump in who is reading the U.T., they pick it up, read the opinion/editorial and then fold the paper back and usually put it back for others to read. It sure would be nice to replace Ken Neal and have Michael Bates write for the Tulsa World opinion and editorial page! Tulsa World could use some new employees with fresh ideas on their newspaper staff. I also would like to see Michael Bates write opinion/editorial for the Community Spirit magaine which is also very popular in restaurants as something people like to pick up and read.
Posted by susan | October 2, 2005 12:25 AM
Posted on October 2, 2005 00:25