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Noah progress

I've asked you to be in prayer for blogger Mike Mansur's newborn son, Noah, who was born with a life-threatening circulatory defect. Little Noah is doing very well, beyond expectations, and is home now. Mike has moved all his posts about Noah to a new blog, Chasing Noah, and will continue to post updates and photos there. A couple of weeks ago, Mike posted a summary of all the miraculous developments that amazed the doctors in Noah's case.

Comments (1)


My husband's sister had her first newborn at six months. She had many problems during her first pregnancy. The baby weighed only about 2 lbs. when it was born and needed to stay in the hospital three months. He is now a very healthy tall college student and has traveled to several foreign countries helping others in different types of ministry.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2006 11:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Announcing Gguk Rarrigaz Bates....

The next post in this blog is Up ahead.

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