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Tulsa blogger election roundup

Some good pieces out there by Tulsa's news bloggers on the 2006 city elections:

Bobby has the details about a meeting Saturday morning to organize volunteers for the Medlock for Mayor campaign. If you'd like to help out, the meeting is at The Embers at 71st and Harvard from 10 to 11.

Steve Roemerman, in an impressive bit of reporting, cornered District 6 candidate Theresa Buchert, whose husband Mike Buchert is assistant director of the City of Tulsa Public Works department, and asked her for some straight answers, which weren't forthcoming.

MeeCiteeWurkor explains why Randi Miller should not be Mayor, notices that Bill LaFortune's website no longer has the roster of his campaign committee, and makes some requests of mayoral candidates on behalf of his fellow wurkors.

There's plenty more, but I'm tired and the baby's asleep, and so should I be. Check out the latest from all the Tulsa bloggers at

Comments (4)


"Randy" Randi Miller, $3 Bill LaFortunate, Kathy $Millions Taylor, and The Cork McCorkle are part of the problem with Tulsa City Goobermint. Definitgely NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION.

Medlock, the HATED ONE, according pronouncements of the local power Oligarchy through their mouthpiece the Lortons's World, is the only authentic REFORM candidate in the race for Mayor.

And, Tulsa city Goobermint is OVERIPE for Real Reform.

Get behind Medlock, or else don't be surprised as Tulsa slips further and further down, down, Tulsa's BUST-OUT continues for GTAR, the development Cartel, the Chamber Pots, Etc., Etc..

Witness the sale of downtown Tulsa to out-of-state Bargain Hunters!

The Smart Money is SELLING, not buying.

Joseph Wallis:

No I would have to say the smart money is buying. They are finally letting go and cashing in on what they could never deliver on.

Medlock might be the best person wearing the Republican moniker, but I'm not convinced he is the best candidate overall. There are a lot of unknowns we havent heard from yet.


Time will tell whether the Kanbar investments will work out.

Kanbar thinks he is scouping up some bargains, based on the square footage, the building prices, etc.

It's WHY they're such a bargain that makes me suspect that Kanbar has goofed.

Time will tell......

Joseph Wallis:

Well, if you think about it, things can only go up. It doesnt take an expert to see the status quo position on downtown isnt working. All Kanbar has to do is acquire several clients looking to relocate to cheaper areas and boom instant success.

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