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What's in Randi Miller's ethics report?

24 hours have passed since the filing deadline for pre-primary ethics reports and still no report from Republican mayoral candidate Randi Miller. Two possibilities come to mind:

Possibility 1: The report would undermine her team's claims of her candidacy's strength. Miller sold her supporters on the notion that she had the best shot of knocking off LaFortune. If total dollars raised and funds remaining show that she doesn't have any traction, that undermines her claim to be the "stop Bill" candidate. The lack of media buys, direct mail, and direct phone would support this theory.

Possibility 2: The report would show contributions from the Good Ol' Boy network, contributions that would be hurt any support she has with the grassroots. There are names of frequent city donors that don't show up on any of the other disclosures -- maybe they'll show up on hers.

But this is all speculation that could be cleared up if the Miller campaign would just submit their C-1 form. Even though the clerk's office is closed until morning, they could scan the report and post it on their website.

Comments (4)

Randi told me at the ypTulsa M/G she will turn it in the morning. She says she delayed because she didn't want DelGiornio to rip it apart. Yeah, right. He's gonna rip it apart when he gets a hold of it. Didn't believe that excuse.


Is there any consequence to filing that report late? If not, what's the point of having a deadline?


Paul, I just wanted you to know that yesterday's Meet and Greet was sponsored by the Tulsa Metro Chamber's YP group called Tulsa's Young Professionals. You listed ypTulsa, which was incorrect as ypTulsa is the grass roots YP group No association with the Chamber or the Cain's event.

Indeed. I am quite aware that it was the Chamber's yp group at Cain's. Steve Turnbo stopped by my table and picked quite an ample supply of my schwag. I always get the initials of the two groups mixed up. My apologies. Thank you for the correction. Maybe if the two groups would have a mixer and agree to change names to completely differentiate each other. Call one the Young Dudes and the other Young Frankensteins. Stage a boxing match for the guys and jello wrestling for the ghouls to see who gets what. Kewl?

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