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Faith and city politics

Tomorrow (Sunday) morning, I'll be on Bruce Delay's "Heartland" talk show, on 1170 KFAQ from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. We'll be talking about why Christians ought to be concerned about local politics and about some Biblical principles that apply in that arena.

A couple of things I've written that touch on the same broad subject:

And here's a link to my complete archive of stories on Tulsa's 2006 election.

Comments (2)

Honestly "J":


I've enjoyed Bruce's show now, but only for a short time. When I discoved his take on this issue I began tuning in even more. It's very refreshing to have heard the both of you this morning discussing the importance of whether or not Christian values play a role in our city politics, or if it doesn't matter, like I've heard some say. It absolutely does matter!! I could not, in my own conscience, vote for a candidate that, for example, would be willing to give CDBG grant dollars to Planned Parenthood! You made a great point about how these city political offices could be used as a "stepping stone" to higher offices. That's exactly right, and has been one of my biggest points on this issue. I believe it is extremely naive to assume it is ok for one to believe this issue of "it doesn't matter" what a candidate believes or doesn't believe in, from a biblical standpoint. This is a dangerous notion. And, as you both agreed this morning, these examples are only 2 ways where this could have a devestating impact. I just can not understand that way of thinking from people who profess their complete belief of what the Bible says is true. I would consider it a 'sin' to vote for a candidate that would use our tax dollars in a 'sinful' manner. It's that simple!! People need to closely examine their hearts about this and not just get caught up in the politics of these races. It is not common knowledge where our candidates stand on these types of issues, but it should be! There's too much political correctness to want to bring these issues out in the open, and that is very disturbing. So, do your homework! What a sickening thought that if we are left with the wrong choices for mayor, for example, does that make it ok for the liberal to win? We better get on our knees and pray that doesn't happen, and help those who may need direction! And, VOTE! GO! CHRIS GO!

I went out of my way and made sure I heard every word of the show. How ironic both you and I come to the same conclusions on urban planning, independent governing, and the Jezebel factor. Yet, our justifications and presentation are in completely different, perhaps parallel, universes. Your presentation is more befitting of a Ph.D. dissertation. Mine is sound bite. String Theory of Politics?

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