
« Afghan Christian faces death for abandoning Islam | Main | "Some Afghan way to short-circuit the case" »

The Council choice

This week's Urban Tulsa Weekly column reviews the four Tulsa City Council races on the general election ballot: Incumbent Roscoe Turner vs. Gerald Rapson in District 3, Maria Barnes vs. Robert Bartlett for the open District 4 seat, incumbent Bill Martinson vs. Jon Kirby in District 5, incumbent James Mautino vs. Dennis Troyer in District 6, and Cason Carter vs. Phil Kates for the open District 9 seat.

(Added on September 30, 2006, to fill in the gaps in my Urban Tulsa Weekly column archive.)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 22, 2006 1:22 AM.

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The next post in this blog is "Some Afghan way to short-circuit the case".

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