Voting on Oklahoma's state quarter begins tomorrow. There are five finalists, which aren't yet displayed on the voting page, but you can see them here, cleaned up for coin production by the U. S. Mint. Voting ends at 5 p.m. on April 27. The coins will come out in early 2008. (Hat tip to recyclemichael for the link.)
I'm leaning toward the scissor-tailed flycatcher and Indian blanket, although the simplest of the pioneer woman designs (with the bigger state outline and calumet) isn't bad. What do you think?
MORE: Mike at Okiedoke has the vote totals from the first round and the recommendations of the experts.
RELATED: The website has the selected designs for each state and those early concepts that were passed over. If you wonder what designs Montanans rejected in order to pick a bison's skull (subliminal message: Californians, this is a dry, desert state where you will die of thirst -- please stop moving here), you can find out here.
Arizona's page has quite a few tongue-in-cheek proposals which were submitted to the Arizona Daily Star, including a bulldozer knocking over a saguaro, a border scene, and an assessment of the state's progress since statehood. The one with the Mission of San Xavier del Bac is actually quite nice, albeit astronomically impossible.
I like the simpler designs the best. My favorite is Texas (the quarter that looks most like the currency of a sovereign nation), followed by Rhode Island and West Virginia. The least attractive quarters resulted from states trying to cram an entire tourism brochure onto the coin.
Bronwyn at WFMU's Beware of the Blog loves the Montana quarter:
Here’s the new state motto: “Montana! Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!” The best thing is that you can put the Wisconsin quarter (2004) next to the Montana quarter, and it’s like a little before-and-after demonstration. Here’s Bossy, all fat and happy and emitting buckets of delicious milk in Wisconsin, and then she moves to Montana: Uh-oh!
Comments (3)
I like the Montana Quarter, so far it, Nevada and N. Dakota are my favorites... but Utah's looks like it will take the prize!
as for our choices, I like #4 it has a good use of "white space" (I hate the florida one, looks more like a plug than a quarter) followed by the scissortail
Posted by mad okie
April 13, 2007 7:55 AM
Posted on April 13, 2007 07:55
I like the large state image (#5 on the page); the others are too "busy"
Posted by Don Singleton | April 13, 2007 12:26 PM
Posted on April 13, 2007 12:26
So we voted for our favorite 5. Then those 5 went through an approval process, only to be approved and the same 5 are sent back to be voted on by us again.
Yep thats normal Gov't for
Posted by DavidS | April 14, 2007 12:22 AM
Posted on April 14, 2007 00:22