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Audit finds problems at Fair Meadows

From the Whirled:

An audit of operations at the Fair Meadows racetrack paints a picture of slipshod business practices made possible by lax -- and at times nonexistent -- management.

The audit has led to a law enforcement investigation....

The report makes clear that "the possibility of employee fraud was implied (by the findings) but could not be proven."...

On Tuesday, fair board Chairwoman Randi Miller said she is not pleased with the audit's findings but sees the exercise as the first step toward resolving the racetrack's troubles.

"Even though the audit is bad, it only helps the constituents because we now know there's a lack of checks and balances, and we will correct them," she said.

Here's the kicker, buried at the end of the story:

Last year, the racetrack lost $174,599.

I'm happy the fair board is pursuing this, but I'm wondering: Since Randi Miller is death on Expo Square tenants who have shaky finances, will she order Fair Meadows to dismantle the grandstand and vacate within 120 days?


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Comments (4)

The A Team:

Simply outrageous! Randi Miller throws Bells(the highest paying tenant at the fairgrounds) out on their rears because their business plan was shaky, but allows fair meadows to run at a loss? I hope for Tulsa's sake she is given an early retirement in the primary if she dares to run for re-election. Say, don't you live in that District, Michael?


Interesting point about Bell's and Fair Meadows.

The difference is that Fair Meadows is owned by them and Bell's was just a renter. I think that race track needs new direction and focus.

If our government is going to be in the skill based gambling business and not just the chance based gambling business, we should maximize the operation. Having only one game while other tracks offer slots, card games and even bingo is hurting the take.

I am proposing a casino for the fairgrounds, but I would prefer one there than for downtown. But if you are in the biz, make it all in.

Gambling and government ain't the hokey pokey, you don't just put right leg in.

Bob Tilton:

This is what happens when you give a sweetheart deal to a former OU football star.

john selph:

Michael: I appreciate your comments about Fair Meadows. I know that the live horse meets have apparently continued to decrease in popularity over the past several years. However, the Simulcast racing revenue has done quite well. It is my understanding that you cannot have the simulcast racing unless you have "live" horse races. Because of this, I don't think it is fair to consider the bottom line of "live racing" in isolation of simulcast revenue. At the same time we should be reviewing race track operations in order decrease operational costs and attract more people to the live meets.

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