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Typical liberal arugulance

I thought the Democrats already had a wealthy, out-of-touch pseudo-populist in the race. Here's Barack Obama at an Iowa campaign stop:

One line that landed a little flat, though, was when Mr. Obama sympathetically noted that farmers have not seen an increase in prices for their crops, despite a rise in prices at the supermarket.

“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?” the senator said. “I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.”

The state of Iowa, for all of its vast food production, does not have a Whole Foods, a leading natural and organic foods market. The closest? Omaha, Minneapolis or Kansas City.

Mr. Obama, perhaps sensing a lack of reaction from the crowd, moved along to the next topic. After all, he never claimed to be a farming expert.

Remember back in 1988, when Michael Dukakis suggested that Iowa farmers should diversify and cultivate Belgian endive.

What is it about Democratic presidential candidates and upscale leafy vegetables?


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Comments (6)

I just wish they'd lettuce alone.


You can only imagaine if it ended up a Clinton/Obama democrat presidential team and had Bill Clinton set up his own office in the White House with Hillary's family and Bill Clinton's brother with all of his past problems as common visitors.

David Einstein:

How was he suppose to know if they have a Whole Foods or not? He has a good point and used the largest organic grocery store as an example.

I could go on for days using examples of idiotic remarks from people running for the GOP this election. It goes both ways, but this is a rather pointless post going after a half decent candidate.


if this is an example of o'bama thinking on his feet, well,,,,,,,i guess, ,,,,,,,,,,it is.

i don't want to get in to a big arugulament about this but, can you imagine what the people in ala'bama' must think about this guy. what did barak ever do to get their state named after him?

In Burma and other third-rate, third-world despotic fifedoms masquerading as benign royalty, the really healthy stuff is really CHEAP. In America, it's the opposite. I love my 99 cent Carl's Jr. chicken sandwich!


Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former Senator John Edwards, questioned Sen. Barack Obama's health care plan that it does not even cover 15 million people now and his I'll fix it later approach to dealing with the issue.

Elizabeth Edwards said you listen to Obama's
language and he seems to be using a lot of John Edwards 2004 campaign language which is not surprising because Obama's speechwriters and Obama's media guy are the same as what John Edwards had. They moved up from "hope is on the way" to the "audacity of hope".

Hillary and Bill Clinton's oddball marriage -- I don't think anyone wants to have another Clinton in the White House again rehashing all of their own marriage problems and Bill pushing his own political agenda. Many voters in the U.S. feel any more years of Clintons in the White House is more than they could stand.

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