Show and kvell: Among the azaleas

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As we were leaving Gilcrease after the inauguration, Christi Breedlove took this photo of the whole Bates family, just outside the museum entrance:

Michael Bates and family

The little one was a bit upset. Just before the photo, former Tulsa County Democratic Party Chairman Elaine Dodd had been holding him. He seemed quite content with her until we took him away to take the picture. We will have to keep a close eye on him for any ideological deviationism. :)


susan said:

Elaine Dodd has the "grandmother" touch! Compliments to Elaine. For anyone that does not normally go to Gilcrease, the azaleas are so beautiful there this time of year! Great family photo!

Michael Bates is someone Kathy Taylor should be having around her table on her "team" as some kind of paid member --

Michael has certainly written about issues better than anyone else has, and through Batesline, he can be read around the world. Let Tulsa grow with Michael Bates on the new Taylor team.

Paul Tay said:

Very nice looking family, Bates. Think you could get a gig on da Today Show wearin' a fat suit for da next kid?

Dan Paden said:

Thanks largely to that photo, I have received permission from She Who Must Be Obeyed to once again post a few pictures of my own family. I suppose she reasons that it's more likely the ruffians will go after you than after me.

Glad to be of service, Dan. (I think.) I've always rationalized posting family photos because Lileks does.

"Miss Ellie" <>< said:

Delighted to meet Mama Bates at Curves this evening and have her tell me about this site and how I could reach the family section. Beautiful family...great picture(s)! It's fun to find out how we overlap on connections--that you are on my son Kirk Jordan's Mighty Works Project sendout list and receive his photos via e-mail. A blessing indeed to learn about you, your family, and your wonderful ministry. So pleased to be in touch. Thanks again, and God bless..."Miss Ellie" (from Tulsa, not Dallas) >

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on April 13, 2006 12:44 AM.

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