Rearranging the headlines page and other technical notes
There are at least a few of you who make faithful use of my BatesLine blogroll headlines page, also known as the NewsGator page, because it uses the NewsGator feed aggregator to collect headlines from the 100 most recent posts from about 160 blogs that I've handpicked as some of the most interesting on the web.
Until today, I included on that page feeds from several sources of op-ed columns and other paid, long-form opinion journalism: American Spectator, National Review, TownHall, and You'll find a prolific daily output of well-reasoned and informed opinions on those sites.
And that was the problem. While an individual blogger posts on an irregular schedule, these corporate-owned, employee-staffed sites typically post the new day's collection of a dozen or so columns in the wee hours. That means that each morning there might be 50 new op-ed pieces on my NewsGator page, pushing the previous night's output of ordinary, one-or-two-posts-a-day bloggers further down or all the way off the page.
So I've created a second headlines page: The BatesLine op-ed headlines page. Visit there for your daily dose of intelligent opinions and commentary.
By the way, the old NewsGator URL that ended in .php is now obsolescent, so change your bookmark to the link above. I've purged all PHP from my site, because PHP, dynamic content, and my shared hosting provider don't get along. With MT 4.0, I was able to provide a statically-built linkblog and spotlight using the new built-in MultiBlog capability.
There are still several things on my blog to do list:
- Import entries from my old hand-rolled linkblog into my new MT-driven linkblog
- Use Apache mod-rewrite and RewriteMap to direct links to my old numerically named archive entries to the new named versions
- Read Wild Bill's Passionate Blogger blog every day for constructive tips on how to be a better blogger with a better blog
- Reinstate full-text RSS and Atom feeds
As always, your suggestions for improvement are welcome.
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