City Council General Election contribution reports
UPDATE: BatesLine appears to be the exclusive source of information about the Tulsa City Council pre-election ethics filings. The Tulsa Whirled normally publishes a story listing contributions the day after the filings, but they didn't bother this time, perhaps because the report of their favorite candidate contained some embarrassing contributions -- see below for details.
Here is an overview of the pre-general election Form C-1 ethics reports filed with the Tulsa City Clerk's office by 5 p.m. today, the deadline for the pre-general filing for next Tuesday's Tulsa City Council general election. This will not be a complete accounting, as I was at the clerk's office just before 5 p.m., the clerk's office employee seemed to be new on the job, and I didn't check my copies before I got out the door, so I didn't get copies of any attachments.
What is striking is the lack of contributions during this filing period. It may be that some campaigns were waiting to receive contributions and make expenditures until after the filing period ended last Monday, March 17.
David Patrick:
Carryover = $8,777.80
Contributions = $2,998.00
Expenditures = $8,954.67
Total of contributions over $200 = $1,500.00
Total of contributions $200 or less = $1,498.00
$500 - Robert Parmele, George R. Kravis III
$250 - Terry Young, Steve Turnbo
Maria Barnes:
Carryover = $18,981.71
Contributions = $1,100.00
Expenditures = $7,729.13
Total of contributions over $200 = $500.00
Total of contributions $200 or less = $600.00
$500 - Richard Sevenoaks
John L. Nidiffer:
Carryover = $5,100.00
Contributions = $2,600.00
Expenditures = $4,249.43
Total of contributions over $200 = $2,500
Total of contributions $200 or less = $100
$2,500 - John L. Nidiffer
Jason Eric Gomez:
Carryover = $1,150.00
Contributions = $1,800.00
Expenditures = $3,072.25
Total of contributions over $200 = $1,250
Total of contributions $200 or less = $550
$1,000 - Harold Tompkins
$250 - Frank Henke IV
Dennis K. Troyer:
Carryover = $6,082.57
Contributions = $310.00
Expenditures = $3,632.75
Total of contributions over $200 = $0
Total of contributions $200 or less = $310
Kevin Boggs:
Carryover = $350.00
Contributions = $1018.23
Expenditures = $400.00
Total of contributions over $200 = $350
Total of contributions $200 or less = $668.23
$350 - April and Jeff Cash
Bill Christiansen:
Carryover = $1,170.23
Contributions = $12,950.00
Expenditures = $6,820.89
Total of contributions over $200 = $10,300.00
Total of contributions $200 or less = $2,650.00
[Christiansen's contributor list was on an attachment, which didn't get copied.]
G. T. Bynum:
Carryover = $45,283.28
Contributions = $3,150.86
Expenditures = $18,932.83
Total of contributions over $200 = $1,475.86
Total of contributions $200 or less = $1,675.00
[Bynum's contributor list was on an attachment, which didn't get copied.]
Notes and analysis:
Note that David Patrick received large contributions from Bob Parmele and Terry Young, both executives with Cinnabar, the company that managed the airport noise abatement program before their contract was not renewed in 2005. District 3 contains a number of neighborhoods that were included (or should have been) in the noise program, and there were numerous complaints of shoddy work by Cinnabar and its subcontractors. It's telling that Cinnabar officials would back David Patrick and would want to defeat Roscoe Turner. Turner actually paid attention to the concerns of affected homeowners and pushed to see those concerns addressed by the Tulsa Airport Authority.
The pre-primary report has the names and amounts of contributors prior to Feb. 25. Looking at that again, I noticed the large carryover amount -- $5,226 -- on David Patrick's pre-primary report, money that he had accumulated in an earlier reporting period. The report for that earlier period should be on file, and it would be interesting to know who those earlier contributors were. It's a clever way of downplaying contributors that you don't want publicized. The daily paper typically only reports on pre-election ethics reports; post-election and quarterly reports are ignored. Candidates are sometimes sloppy about filing those other reports because they know the paper isn't paying attention. That's a gap that alternative media sources need to fill.
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