texasplayboys.net: Bob Wills Estate Contact Info

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texasplayboys.net: Bob Wills Estate Contact Info

According to Cindy Wills, as of Feb. 2004: "The mailing address for the Bob Wills Estate is P.O. Box 448, Alvarado, Texas, 79106. Jeff Storie, the estate's lawyer, can be reached at 817-336-2400." In the following entry, Jeffrey W. Storie writes, "I am the manager of the Bob Wills Estate. You can reach me at following: Jeffrey W. Storie Intellectual Property Practice Group Decker Jones McMackin McClane Hall & Bates, P.C. Burnett Plaza 801 Cherry Street, Suite 2000 Unit 46 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817-336-2400 ext 258 (0ffice) 817-336-2181 (Fax) mailto:jstorie@deckerjones.com"


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