West and Clear: The State of Fort Worth Preservation

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West and Clear: The State of Fort Worth Preservation

It's better than Tulsa's. Fort Worth has three designations to protect significant historic buildings: Demolition Delay, Historic & Cultural Landmark, and Highly Significant Endangered. The blogger lists downtown Fort Worth buildings that are protected in one of these three ways, but notes: "There are many incredible historic buildings downtown, but a great many of them are completely unprotected from the wrecking ball.... People these days are more sensitive than ever about protecting and improving our natural environment, but far too many people don't even think about protecting and improving our built environment.... It is important for our community and our sense of place to preserve the quality structures that tie us with our history, and the fact that so many of Fort Worth's remarkable architecture is either not protected at all, or given the bare minimum of protection with the lacking Demolition Delay designation, is very unfortunate." (Via The Road Trip Destination Guide.)


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on April 24, 2008 8:06 PM.

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