Paul Greenberg :: :: Good News is No News

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Paul Greenberg :: :: Good News is No News

Why the media silence on the dismantling of al-Qaeda's last urban stronghold in Iraq? Even the New York Times has noticed and so has Barack Obama, in his own odd way: "Last year Barack Obama, who's now cinched his party's presidential nomination, was still arguing that the Surge would fail.... But don't look for any of his anti-Surge statements on Senator Obama's Web site, not any more. They've just been purged. And replaced by a new, more militant stance. To borrow a phrase from Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon's hapless press secretary: 'This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative.'"



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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on July 21, 2008 6:01 PM.

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