Things I Learned In Oklahoma: Tulsa Edition « Dealy's Domain

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Things I Learned In Oklahoma: Tulsa Edition « Dealy's Domain

He came from Wichita to see Ween at Cain's Ballroom. (Wait -- someone came to town for a concert and the BOk Center isn't even open yet?!?!? How can this be?!?) He noticed a few things: "The one thing Tulsa has that Wichita doesn't is Cain's Ballroom, the home of Bob Wills.... Cain's is the type of venue that famous people love to play because it has hosted countless legendary acts.... Tulsa has a real visible homeless population.... Caz's Pub is a must local hang out if you are looking for a place to get a drink with friends before a show. They sure know how to make a suicide with their soda machine too!... The Blue Dome Restaurant is a pretty good place to get morning grub...."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on July 21, 2008 5:56 PM.

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