Tulsa World: Wayne Greene: Stop cutting my taxes, and can I get you some ice water

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Tulsa World: Wayne Greene: Stop cutting my taxes, and can I get you some ice water

The Whirled editorial board is unanimous, as always -- they never met a tax increase they didn't like: "As we always do, we told [State Rep. Lucky Lamons] to stop cutting our taxes."


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Jay Ramey Author Profile Page said:

My name is Jay Ramey. I am Lucky Lamons opponent in the upcoming election in State House District 66. Mr. Greene is not going to vote for me because I can assure all the voters in my district that I will do everything in my power to cut and eliminate taxes. However, if Mr. Greene's taxes get to low for him, he is always welcome to write a check to the Oklahoma State Treasury and send it to them anytime he wants.

I am troubled by Mr. Greene saying that Mr. Lamons has only "laughable opposition" this year. Am I really laughable? I am a veteran of the United State Army. I served as an infantryman in the 82nd Airborne Division and the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. I also served in the United States Coast Guard. I have a wide variety of life experience outside of the military. I taught English in Japan for one year. I drove a truck across country for a few years. I have earned a 2nd Dan black belt in judo. I have a law degree from the University of Oklahoma and am licensed to practice law in Oklahoma and Kansas. I have worked as an attorney for the past 8 years.

Do all of these experiences and education really mean that I am "laughable?" I think it is more laughable that a person would tell his elected representative to stop cutting taxes.

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on July 31, 2008 6:10 PM.

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