Sterling Ball's Blog

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Sterling Ball's Blog

The story of the Ernie Ball family and their guitars, interwoven with the story of the southern California music scene and names like the Beach Boys, Leo Fender, and Albert Lee. (Ernie Ball played steel guitar for Tommy Duncan's band.) "One of the great things we did back then was drive to the northern border of the San Fernando Valley and go to a place called the Sundance Saloon. They had a Tuesday night Jam hosted by Don Everly. The band was Buddy Emmons, Byron Berline, and just about every legend at the time even Glen Campbell..everyone. I wasnt old enough but sometimes I would sit out front and sometimes they would let me in. I remember sitting outside one night and the kid next to me was a guitar from Oklahoma named Vince....Vince Gill."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on August 15, 2008 12:24 PM.

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