BaylyBlog: Covenant College faculty members take courageous stand...

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BaylyBlog: Covenant College faculty members take courageous stand...

Tim Bayly analyzes a poll of the faculty of the PCA-affiliated college: "Also, note that whereas fourteen faculty members are sure of Senator McCain's faith, sixteen are sure of the Christian faith of Senator Obama. Not to put too fine a point on it, but more Covenant faculty members are certain that a promoter of baby-slaughter and sodomite marriage is a Christian than a man who opposes baby-slaughter and sodomite marriage.... After the above, no one will be shocked to find out thirty-five percent of Covenant's faculty members say they're likely to vote for Senator Obama. That's one third of the faculty supporting the presidential candidacy of the most radically pro-baby slaughter politician in Washington D.C."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on September 16, 2008 8:06 PM.

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