imagiNATIVEamerica » The Boston Public Library Courtyard

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imagiNATIVEamerica » The Boston Public Library Courtyard

Blair Humphreys captures sunlight, shadow, and classic architecture in the courtyard of the Boston Public Library on a sunny late summer day. (This is his homework (the lucky dog) for the MIT course 11.309J: Sensing Place: Photography as Inquiry: "This course explores photography as a disciplined way of seeing and of investigating urban landscapes and expressing ideas.")


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CGHill Author Profile Page said:

As I wrote in Vent #226, fall 2000:

The old Boston Public Library scowled down on Copley Square, and the interior, all rosewood walls and gooseneck lamps and murals, was a scary sort of place for a kid away from home. And around the corner was the library's annex, which struck me at the time as a domestic version of those modern soulless bunkers you'd see housing the proletariat in Eastern Europe. In between was a courtyard, seemingly miles, even years, away from the noises on Boylston Street, stuck in the Twilight Zone between the old and the new. I was twenty years old and very uneasy about everything, but here, for a few moments each weekend, I found a measure of peace.

I am grateful for the reminder.

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