Political Punch: Why Doesn't McCain Use a Computer?

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Political Punch: Why Doesn't McCain Use a Computer?

It's not because John McCain isn't tech-savvy, as Obama's recent ad suggests, but McCain prefers to downplay the real reason: "Assuredly McCain isn't comfortable talking about this -- and the McCain campaign discouraged me from writing about this -- but the reason the aged Arizonan doesn't use a computer or send email is because of his war wounds.

"I realize some of the nastier liberals in the blogosphere will see this as McCain once again 'playing the POW card,' but it's simply a fact: typing on a regular keyboard for any sustained period of time bothers McCain physically.

"He can type, he occasionally does type, but in general the injuries he sustained as a POW -- ones that make it impossible for him to raise his arms high enough to comb his hair -- mean that small tasks make his shoulders ache, so he tries to avoid any repetitive exercise."


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