Blow to image of 'green' reusable nappy - Times Online

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Blow to image of 'green' reusable nappy - Times Online

Disposable diapers ("nappies" in Britishese) use less energy, with about half the "carbon footprint" of cloth diapers used over the same period of time. The British government (run by the socialist Labour party) is attempting, unsuccessfully, to suppress the findings: "The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has instructed civil servants not to publicise the conclusions of the £50,000 nappy research project and to adopt a 'defensive' stance towards its conclusions." A commenter remarks, "Though the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs does vitally important work, I still believe that their funding should be stripped and given to the Ministry of Silly Walks in order to properly prioritize those services that are necessary for the good of the British public."


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