Brit Gal' in the USA: A momentous day remembered

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Brit Gal' in the USA: A momentous day remembered

On the third anniversary of her move across the pond, Sarah reflects on the stresses and surprises of starting over at mid-life in a whole 'nother country: "You don't know what to dial for local and long distance calls, you don't know any street names, directions are given with north, south, east, west - not left and right. You have no idea where to go to shop for certain things, most of the store names are alien to you. Everybody you meet is new to you; your brain rapidly goes into overload with new names and faces to remember. You're driving on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the street. The food is very different, products are different, some things you love you can no longer get at all. All the measurements you have known all your life have been thrown out the window; whether it's shoes, clothes, cooking or weight. Everytime you open your wallet you are faced with different currency and coins are very confusing."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on October 17, 2008 9:46 PM.

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