Colin Powell has Already Endorsed Saddam Hussein, The Mullahs in Iran, Ted Stevens, and Richard Armitage. Who Cares Who Else He Endorses? | The Sundries Shack

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Colin Powell has Already Endorsed Saddam Hussein, The Mullahs in Iran, Ted Stevens, and Richard Armitage. Who Cares Who Else He Endorses? | The Sundries Shack

Issued before Powell announced his endorsement: "Of course, Colin Powell was the one who counseled George H.W. Bush not to help the Shiites and Kurds when they when they rose up to depose him and watched as Saddam Hussein slaughtered countless numbers of them. He wanted to leave the tyrant in place as a counterweight to Iran, continuing a heartless realpolitik strategy that directly led to 9/11."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on October 20, 2008 6:35 PM.

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