Fred Thompson :: :: Qualified

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Fred Thompson :: :: Qualified

"One can hardly disagree with the desirability of our leaders having the qualities that Brooks describes (putting aside the question of how many of our leaders who are not Sarah Palin have demonstrated these qualities). But there are other important qualifications, such as will, courage, and determination. Frankly, an infusion of these qualities into our body politic is desperately needed - not just to raise hell with the establishment, but to speak the hard truth about unpleasant choices facing our country. To push for choices that will, in the long term, benefit our country, our children and our grandchildren. In other words, things which 'prudent' leaders are all too often reluctant to do.

"For many years we have failed to address looming problems that will prove catastrophic to our nation. It's not because we are bereft of leaders with great experience. And it is not because they do not understand the 'essential current of events.' They know these things all too well. It is because they do not have the political courage to do anything about it."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on October 7, 2008 8:32 PM.

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