- How Catholic Money Funded Obama's Community Organizing

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Deal Hudson writes: "Some years ago I published an article in Crisis about CCHD, and spent some time studying their grants as pubished on the USCCB web site. There were long lists of $20,000 to $30,000 grants to groups and communities all over the United States, all under the rubric of 'community organizing.' It was clear to me that "organizing" meant training in politics, and I had no illusions about the kind of politics the recipients were being trained in....

"99% of Catholics in the pews haven't any idea of how much they have invested in building the political infrastructure that has now been activated to support Obama. That infrastructure always supports the Democratic Party and its candidate, but now they have a candidate who comes directly out of their political culture, well to the left of previous Democratic nominees like Gore and Kerry."

Stephanie Block has more about Obama, Saul Alinsky, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at


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