McCain Gets My Vote by Charles Krauthammer on National Review Online

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McCain Gets My Vote by Charles Krauthammer on National Review Online

The Hammer slams Christopher Buckley, Peggy Noonan, et al.: "Contrarian that I am, I'm voting for John McCain. I'm not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it's over before it's over. I'm talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they're left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.... I shall have no part of this motley crew. I will go down with the McCain ship. I'd rather lose an election than lose my bearings.... Today's economic crisis, like every other in our history, will in time pass. But the barbarians will still be at the gates. Whom do you want on the parapet? I'm for the guy who can tell the lion from the lamb."


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