The Unturned Page by The Editors on National Review Online

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"This is the deeper political import of his relationship with Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright. For all his talk about change, Obama has been far better at adapting to the environments in which he finds himself. In Chicago, he had no enemies to the left. He took care not to alienate the city's corrupt establishment. In Congress, he voted in lockstep with his fellow Democrats. Independence is not his strong suit. If a Democrat wins the presidency, there will be very little check on Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid -- and especially if this weak-willed Democrat wins....

"McCain needs to ask whether it would serve the national interest to create the most left-wing Washington in decades. He needs to ask it with respect to many issues, but the economy is certainly one of the top ones. As the economy sinks, do we want more taxes, spending, and trade restrictions? Are Pelosi and Reid, along with a pliable Barack Obama, the people to lead the nation out of this crisis? Is this really the change we want?"


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on October 7, 2008 7:07 PM.

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