Ace of Spades HQ: After 12 Years, Alan Colmes Quits Hannity & Colmes

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Ace of Spades HQ: After 12 Years, Alan Colmes Quits Hannity & Colmes

Not the main point of the piece, but I agree with Ace's comparison of three leading conservative radio talkers:

"Limbaugh avoids (mostly) the self portrayal of hero via the distancing lens of irony. His boasts are so over-the-top they're funny (and meant to be). He undermines his own authority by poking fun at it, which has, as it turns out, the probably intended effect of increasing his authority.

"On the other hand, Hannity and O'Reilly deliberately set out to portray themselves as heroes. O'Reilly's always famously 'looking out for the folks' and 'on your side.' Hannity indulges too much in earnest caring and all-around good-guyism.

"It's a bit too much, at least for me. It's oversold.

"I prefer the self-mocking irony of a Limbaugh rather than the earnest crusading of Hannity or O'Reilly."


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on November 26, 2008 7:40 PM.

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