Do You Have a License to Move that Chair?: Rep. Dan Greenberg takes on Arkansas' interior design cartel - Reason Magazine

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Do You Have a License to Move that Chair?: Rep. Dan Greenberg takes on Arkansas' interior design cartel - Reason Magazine

"In 22 states, including Arkansas, it is illegal to call yourself an interior designer without going through an arduous and expensive certification process. Like many states, Arkansas has an Interior Design Board. The sole purpose of this board is to register interior designers. The IJ paper notes that 'consumer complaints about interior designers to state regulatory boards are extremely rare. Since 1998 an average of one designer out of every 289 has received a complaint for any reason. Nearly all of those complaints, 94.7 percent, concern whether designers are properly licensed--not the quality of their service.'"


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on November 26, 2008 6:02 PM.

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