RedState: How To Tell The "Culture Wars" Are Not Over

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RedState: How To Tell The "Culture Wars" Are Not Over

We can tell, because the Left was actively fighting for cultural hegemony in this election. In fact, the Left has been the aggressor all along:

"The point is this: we have political conflict over social and cultural issues because we have two sides that disagree on a broad range of issues, and neither is willing to change its position. If these issues were actually unimportant or indefensible, the side that was losing elections on them would throw in the towel and adapt its positions, as for example happened with the end of the political battles over segregation and Prohibition. And if cultural liberals disdained conflict, they would never start battles on these issues - yet they do so all the time. Indeed, abortion wasn't an issue in national politics until Roe v. Wade; the NRA wasn't a force in politics until liberal politicians pushed increasingly intrusive gun-control measures."



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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on November 17, 2008 11:06 PM.

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