The last thing we need is a Clinton in charge of foreign policy. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

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The last thing we need is a Clinton in charge of foreign policy. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Remember the shady campaign contributions from Chinese and Indonesian sources? James Riady? John Huang? The slimy pay-to-play pardons at the end of Slick Willie's second term? Christopher Hitchens does: "In matters of foreign policy, it has been proved time and again, the Clintons are devoted to no interest other than their own. A president absolutely has to know of his chief foreign-policy executive that he or she has no other agenda than the one he has set. Who can say with a straight face that this is true of a woman whose personal ambition is without limit; whose second loyalty is to an impeached and disbarred and discredited former president; and who is ready at any moment, and on government time, to take a wheedling call from either of her bulbous brothers?"


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