Washington Times - BLANKLEY: Obama's health-care czar

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Washington Times - BLANKLEY: Obama's health-care czar

Ousted Sen. Tom Daschle, expected to be appointed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, has written a book on how to nationalize health care stealthily. He also thinks medical technology is bad because it reveals health problems early enough that doctors can do something about it. And doing something about it is expensive. "Of course, for Mr. Daschle, the problem with such high-tech diagnostics is that it leads to treatment. He cites a study approving the proposition that there are too many angiograms being performed.... Cardiologists might think they were carrying out their responsibilities. But under the Daschle/Obama plan, political hacks appointed to the health board will decide whether your cardiologist is allowed to image your arteries, and if they find blockage, try to successfully treat it."


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