Defense Spending as Stimulus -

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Defense Spending as Stimulus -

A better stimulus than funding road construction: "Replacing the supplies that have been depleted by the military activity in Iraq and Afghanistan is a good example of something that might be postponed but that should instead be done quickly. The same is true for replacing the military equipment that has been subject to excessive wear and tear. More generally, replacement schedules for vehicles and other equipment should be accelerated to do more during the next two years than would otherwise be economically efficient.... Each of the military services can identify new equipment and additional quantities of existing equipment that can improve our fighting ability in Afghanistan and our ability to protect our military forces while they are in combat. Military planners must also look ahead to the missions that each of the services may be called upon to do in the future." Military spending would not only stay in the US, it would absorb excess manufacturing capacity and spread some of that money into the high-tech sector as well. (Via Backyard Conservative.)


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on December 30, 2008 12:58 AM.

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