PreservationNation: I Say "In With The Old!"

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PreservationNation » Blog Archive » I Say "In With The Old!"

A great New Year's resolution: "My resolution is to take my boys on more 'mystery rides.' As a child, my father would announce on random Saturday mornings: 'Who wants to go on a mystery ride?' It was always a crapshoot. You might end up tagging along on a trip to the hardware store to pick up a part for a broken lawnmower, or you might find yourself enjoying a frosty root beer float delivered by a roller skating carhop at A&W. You just never knew. Some of my favorite mystery rides were to historic sites, and in 2009, I resolve to take my own two boys on more of them."



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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on December 30, 2008 1:49 PM.

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