Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME

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Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME

The multi-blog website of Oklahoma ranch wife and homeschooling mom Ree Drummond made TIME's top list of top blogs.



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TulipGirl said:

Interesting that Time has a "best of" now. . . "Confessions of. . ." is the only blog of it's type (unless you count dooce) in their top 25. Good for her! *grin*

I also found interesting their "overrated" list. *cough, Kos, cough*

Michael Bates Author Profile Page said:

I was surprised and pleased to see Kos in the "overrated" list, too.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on February 23, 2009 6:32 PM.

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