Internet Archive: Details: 1949 episode of the TV series "Captain Video"

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Internet Archive: Details: 1949 episode of the TV series "Captain Video"

Amazing! Stupendous! Spacemen! Cowboys! Vacuum tubes! Aliens in Roman costumes with Latin names! "Hermes Lycos calling Regus of Tersen!" Atomic disintegration and reassembly for interplanetary travel! (You thought Gene Roddenberry came up with that.) The bad guy from the planet Tersen looks like Liberace with a widow's peak, pointy eyebrows and sideburns, and a soul patch. The evil Dr. Pauli has a pencil-thin mustache and smokes. About 11 minutes in there's a patriotic commercial message: "Freedom is every American's job, Video Rangers!" About 20 minutes in, the second commercial break condemns discrimination and prejudice based on race or religion and urges friendship.


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