Self-help, motivation, and healing audiobooks

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Tami downloaded 29 different self-help, motivation, and healing audiobooks to her NextBook NX008HD8G over the course of about four hours.

01/19/2014  02:39 PM    <DIR>          Test folder
01/19/2014  02:55 PM    <DIR>          Jerry Hicks Getting Into the Vortex
01/19/2014  02:55 PM    <DIR>          Abraham Hicks Getting Into the Vortex
01/19/2014  03:07 PM    <DIR>          Anita Moorjani Dying To Be Me
01/19/2014  05:00 PM    <DIR>          Berlitz Rush Hour Spanish
01/19/2014  05:05 PM    <DIR>          Brian L., M.D. Weiss
01/19/2014  05:07 PM    <DIR>          Damien Rose Liquid Bells
01/19/2014  05:12 PM    <DIR>          Deepak Chopra
01/19/2014  05:14 PM    <DIR>          Eric Burgland Abundance
01/19/2014  05:18 PM    <DIR>          Esther & Jerry Hicks Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham
01/19/2014  05:24 PM    <DIR>          Joel Osteen Your Best Life Now
01/19/2014  05:26 PM    <DIR>          John Holland Psychic Navigaor
01/19/2014  05:27 PM    <DIR>          Joyce Meyer Battlefield of the Mind
01/19/2014  05:33 PM    <DIR>          Julie Ditmar Hypnothnner erapy for  Inner Peace
01/19/2014  05:33 PM    <DIR>          Julie Ditmar Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence and Inner Peace
01/19/2014  05:35 PM    <DIR>          Kelly Howel Prayer and Meditation
01/19/2014  05:37 PM    <DIR>          Kelly Jones Do Not Fear
01/19/2014  05:45 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay Dissolving Barriers
01/19/2014  05:51 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay Forgiveness Loving the Inner Child
01/19/2014  05:53 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay Love Your Body
01/19/2014  05:56 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay Meditations for Personal Healing
01/19/2014  05:58 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay Overcoming Fears
01/19/2014  06:00 PM    <DIR>          Louise Hay What I Believe and Deep Relaxation
01/19/2014  06:05 PM    <DIR>          Paul Averginos Law of Attraction
01/19/2014  06:08 PM    <DIR>          Sonia Choquette Meditations for Receiving Guidance Disc 1
01/19/2014  06:10 PM    <DIR>          Sonia Choquette Meditations for Receiving Divine Guidance Disc 2
01/19/2014  06:11 PM    <DIR>          Steven Halpern Attradting Prosperity
01/19/2014  06:14 PM    <DIR>          Steven Halpern Health and Well Being
01/19/2014  06:16 PM    <DIR>          Turiya Hanover Healing the Body

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This page contains a single entry by Michael Bates published on January 19, 2014 6:16 PM.

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